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Breakdown of the 5-Step Process in Reversing Diabetes in 12 weeks
Posted by Ramesh Hirani, Diabetes Reversal Coach


​If you feel that your Diabetes has been in the driver's seat, this is your opportunity to take back control of your life.

With the DIABETES RESET REVERSAL SYSTEM, you can live a life free from the financial, emotional and physical impact Diabetes has on you.


Book your free consultation below and take the next step in your journey to good health.​

 Watch this short 3-minute video before booking a call. 



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Eric Okuku

Procurement Director

"Once I was diagnosed. I spoke to Ramesh about it, and that's when I just knew I had to join the programme.

Since the program, I have managed to lose 21 kg in just 12 weeks!

And this weight has stayed off.


My diabetes readings went lower each month, and now I've been completely off medication for over a year.

My HbA1c on diagnosis was:

98 (11.2%)

My Last Three Quarterly HbA1cs Were:
39 (5.8%)
33 (5.2%)
34 (5.3%)

It really was the best investment I have ever made, not just for me but also for my family."

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Serena Sabala

​Nutrition consultant, Yoga Teacher, and Fitness Trainer

"This has been by and far the most valuable, groundbreaking and mind-opening call I have ever been in.

I now have a roadmap to complete transformation, that I'm going to follow step-by-step.

If I was to put a monetary value on the time that we spent together this evening and what I got out of it, it would be in the thousands "

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